It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, January 31, 2011

1 year old!

My new goal for this blog is to keep it up monthly at least, with updates on Elizabeth... starting in March/April, we will be going for number 2 and will start the IVF process all over again... ugh. But we just want one more babe, so this will be another journey for us!

Anyways, back to Elizabeth.

On Jan. 17th, she turned 1... can't believe how quickly this year has gone. She was just a little tiny 7lb. 7oz baby that depended on us for everything. And now... well, she's just as independent as you can imagine!

She is now saying several words... dada (all the time), mama (rarely), apple (she actually only says "app"), go go go, up, hi, and banana (nana). She has been cruising the furtniture now for months, but just recently started walking on her own when we let her go! Last night expecially, she was walking longer distances between mommy and daddy sitting on the floor.

When she get's mad, she bites things... toys, floor, mommy's shoulders (ouch!). Speaking of biting, she has4 teeth, two top and two bottom. Her hair is finally getting longer and she look so cute with hairpins in her hair! At her one year appt, she was 19lbs. 13oz (19%) and 31.75" (99%)!

She is off baby food now and mo more breast milk and formula. She LOVES her whole milk, as well as many other foods: bananas, blueberries, grilled cheese sandwich, hotdogs, grean beans, mandarin oranges, pasta, chicken nuggets, cheese, toast with honey or peanut butter, and scrambled eggs!

She misses her mommy, still cries sometimes when I leave for work. Loves to watch Cat in the Hat with daddy in the mornings. Also loves Elmo, Dora, and Sponge Bob.

It's been quite the year... and totally looking forward to the year ahead!