It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good news all around!

Today was my first OB appt (I graduated from the RE!!) with this pregnancy, and it all went well! I actually met with my OB's assistant, as Dr. Gernhart was in surgery this morning. Anyways, we did a full physical and annual exam (always fun!), and drew 4 vials of blood for a pre-natal blood panel! Some of the tests are redundant, but I know they need the results for their office.

After all that, she asked if I wanted to hear the heartbeat again! Of course, I said YES! So she got the doppler out and started to move it around... and couldn't find the heartbeat! Of course, my heart just sank as she said "let me go get the ultrasound machine." My mind started racing, cuz if any of you know me, I'm a worrier by nature (thanks to my mom!), but she came back and set up the machine quickly. As soon as she had the wand on my belly, I saw this beautiful little baby wiggling around and kicking it's feet!! It was so sweet! She then moved up a little on my belly to show a big black square.. she said, "well here's the reason we couldn't find a heartbeat with the doppler... your bladder is full and was in the way!" Ooops, my bad! :)

So I go back in 4 weeks for my regular OB appt. She did tell me because I am 35, I will be seeing the perinatologist at Methodist Hospital for my 20 week u/s (the BIG one!). Depending of what they think then, I might have to go back to see them alternating with my regular OB. Just because I'm OLD.... huh! ;)

More good news was when I was leaving my OB appt, my cell rang and it was my RE calling with the results of the ultrascreen I had done last week..... and all was NORMAL!!! So they were very happy and told me to keep in touch!

So we are on our way now to a healthy normal pregnancy! OMG, now it's really starting to sink in!!!


Meg said...

yay!!! Congrats Heather!

kristi morris said...

i'm so excited & happy for you both. i think you should put up more belly pics though, since i don't get to be there to rub it.
don't forget to tell our bean how much i love them!
miss you & love you bunches!!