It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

20 weeks!

Well, I'm half way there! I made it to 20 weeks! WOO HOO! I feel great and can't wait for this 2nd half to get going. Only 4 1/2 more months. Almost doesn't seem real!

We're going to the Nebraska State Fair today in Lincoln, then coming back to go to our friends house for a Husker party to watch our first game of the season! It's gonna be beautiful out, so really looking forward to it. And it's a 3 day weekend, being it's Labor Day weekend, so ready to enjoy the break from a hectic spell at work!

I saw this on one of my friends blogs', so I'm stealing the idea!

How Far Along? 20 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss? +9lbs.

Maternity Clothes: oh yeah

Sleep? For the most part good

Best Moment of the Week? Finding out we're having a baby GIRL!

Movement- Feeling her more and more now, at least twice a day

Food Craving- Nothing specific. I just still love sweets!

Food aversions- Those Tostino's party pizza's Tommy makes... the smell is horrible!

Morning sickness?- Nope, all gone!

Gender- Girl!!!

Labor Signs- Nope, too soon

Belly Button- Still an innie... don't know if it will pop because of a lap surgery

What I miss- red wine!

What I'm looking forward to- getting the nursery decorated

Weekly Wisdom- Always carry gum or heartburn meds!

Milestones- Having a healthy baby girl with no problems!


Anonymous said...

you look great! Congrats on making it half way!!! What are you going to name the little one?!

Heather said...

We are thinking Sarah, still debating the middle name, but we have some time! :)