It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

2 Month Dr. Appt.

Wow, 2 months have flooooooown by! She's getting to be such a big girl already! She's holding her head up really well now, loves to "walk" up your tummy and chest, and loves to bounce! She's an active little shit with lots of energy. She also is learning to sleep well too! Hooray!! She slept 6 hours last night before waking to eat, then went right back down for 3 more! She's outgrown all her newborn clothes and is now in 3 month size... actually, she's been in those for several weeks now!

Thursday, March 18th was her 2 month Dr. appt. She weighed 11 lbs. even and 23 inches long! She was above average for her height, weight and head circumfrance. Dr. Kaufman checked her ears, they were clean and clear! Eyes look good, lungs sound great, and everything is healthy! The only thing she has is baby acne, that all babies get, so we will consider that minor! :)

She's doing well with breastfeeding, and the dr. said I can now start spacing out her feedings a bit. She is also now on a vitamin daily, Vitamin D, to help with her bones. We go back in May for her 4 month appt, and hope all is well in between!

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