It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Today was our next ultrasound, a few days early, since we couldn't go on Friday, due to the fact we are going to be out of town. Everything looked great!! The baby measured a day early at 9w5d, and the heartbeat was strong too. It was so cool to see him.her dancing around and it even waved at us! :) Best part is, it's starting to look like a baby! You can even see it's nose!
We go back July 9th for the Ultrascreen, when they test for Down's Syndrome via ultrasound, and do bloodwork to screen for several genetic problems... scary! But the BEST news overall, I get to stop my progesterone shots!!!!! WOO HOO! Also, I get to start stepping down the estrogen pills I'm taking too... so that's all news I'm progressing right along!

Monday, June 22, 2009


This weekend was interesting... I did NOTHING! I was down all weekend with horrible allergies and a migraine. Blah. I literally was in bed all weekend, or on the couch with an icebag on my head. I can't take my headaches meds because of the bambino, so that didn't help. So I got absolulely NOTHING done I needed to do! We are leaving for the cabin on Wed night/Thurs morning, and have so much to do now. Well, all depends on how I feel.

I can't wait to get out of here.... I need a vacation!

Friday, June 12, 2009

2nd ultrasound!

We had our 2nd ultrasound this morning, and everything looks great! Baby measured right on track (7w6d) at 1.5 cm (our little bean is GROWING!). We got to see him wiggle a little, then we heard the most beautiful sound... his heartbeat!! It was so quick! The nurse measured it at 158bpm, which is perfect for his size. It was so cool to hear, just makes it all that more real!

Here's a picture, although it's not really that great. She said I was having a uterine contraction during the u/s, and of course it was right in the way of where she needed to see, but we did get a picture. The baby is is the floating thing on the left, with the head on the right, and feet on the left, and the perfect round circle thing to the right of the baby is the yolk sac (what is feeding the baby until the placenta develops). The gestational sac looks a funny shape because of the contraction, but she says it's all normal. Just means my uterus is growing and stretching for the baby!

The Dr. also called back with my bloodwork results, everything looks awesome. She said to keep up with the same meds still, and that after next appt., they will start decreasing my dosages! My next appt. is scheduled Wed., June 24th. Supposed to be the 26th, but we will be out of town at the cabin that weekend, so going a couple days early!

I'll be 8 weeks tomorrow! Just want to get past this first trimester!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Belly Book!

This post should have been put up a long time ago, but it's been a zoo at work and getting online is few and far between! But a few days after I found out I was pregnant, my friend from work, Dani, who is on maternity leave, sent me a package here at work. I didn't know it was from her at first, so I didn't know what it was! It came from Amazon, and I was thinking "did I accidentally buy something?!"

It was the "Belly Book"! It's a very cute journal for the mom-to-be, complete with places to write, places to post pictures, and questions to answer! It is divided into the 3 trimesters, and starts with how you found out you were pregnant. You can journal all your cravings, dr. appts, weight, feelings, a place for ultrasound pictures and weekly belly pictures (which I have been doing since week 4!) What a thoughtful and wonderful gift to someday give the child I am writing about!


Monday, June 1, 2009

And so it begins...

I have felt yucky for 2 days now... and today, I'm a bit green around the gills. Man, this sucks. I mean, I kinda wanted this (I told Tommy yesterday that I wanted to be sick, and he looked at me like I had frogs coming out of my ears). So I guess I got what I wanted... it's not that bad, it's managable for now. Just kinda annoying when I'm trying to conentrate on work. Ugh.

I have tums, tea, and peppermint in my desk drawer... here we go! :)