It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, June 22, 2009


This weekend was interesting... I did NOTHING! I was down all weekend with horrible allergies and a migraine. Blah. I literally was in bed all weekend, or on the couch with an icebag on my head. I can't take my headaches meds because of the bambino, so that didn't help. So I got absolulely NOTHING done I needed to do! We are leaving for the cabin on Wed night/Thurs morning, and have so much to do now. Well, all depends on how I feel.

I can't wait to get out of here.... I need a vacation!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I didn't do anything this weekend either. I'm sorry about the headaches especially not being able to take meds, but it's all worth it, right?! Only a few more months! :)