It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Belly Book!

This post should have been put up a long time ago, but it's been a zoo at work and getting online is few and far between! But a few days after I found out I was pregnant, my friend from work, Dani, who is on maternity leave, sent me a package here at work. I didn't know it was from her at first, so I didn't know what it was! It came from Amazon, and I was thinking "did I accidentally buy something?!"

It was the "Belly Book"! It's a very cute journal for the mom-to-be, complete with places to write, places to post pictures, and questions to answer! It is divided into the 3 trimesters, and starts with how you found out you were pregnant. You can journal all your cravings, dr. appts, weight, feelings, a place for ultrasound pictures and weekly belly pictures (which I have been doing since week 4!) What a thoughtful and wonderful gift to someday give the child I am writing about!


1 comment:

Krisy said...

ooh that sounds cool, i may have to go check that out!!!