Profile (Tommy says she has my nose!)
We are both so thrilled! We both were expecting it to be a boy, but we were nicely surprised with a girl!
We first met with our genetic counselor to go over risks for birth defects, in our case were very low. She also went over our family history to make sure we're not first cousins or anything :). All went smoothly, we then went out to the waiting room to wait for our ultrasound.
We got in there, and as soon as she put the wand on my belly, we saw the most beautiful sight I can imagine... our baby. They did all sorts of measurments of the head, looked at the brain (yep, it has one!), looked at the heart to see all 4 chambers working perfectly. They also measured the spine and looked for spina bifida... NONE! The belly looked good, the baby even had a bit of fluid in the stomach, so she is drinking the amniotic fluid like she should be! Then moved down and saw all the toes, the hands and fingers, and of course, the money shot...
After some prodding, the Dr. got the baby to cooperate and show us the goods. GIRL! You could even see her inside girl plumbing, so there is no doubting what she is. First words out of Tommy's mouth, "Oh, Lord!" LOL! Yep, and she will be wrapped around his finger!!
Everything looked good, no markers for any genetic problems. She weighs 10 oz. and is about the size of a banana. She measured right on time, so due date still stands at Jan. 23.
All in all, we are THRILLED to be having a healthy baby, and just the cherry on top to get a beautiful baby girl!
Now, I gotta go shopping... :)