I'm at the 6 month + mark and couldn't be happier! Things are going great, no big issues at all. She has benn moving around like CRAZY the past several weeks, in fact, she's kicking me right now! It's the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced. Just to know she's really in there just makes me realize how lucky we are. Here are the latest stats!
How Far Along? 25 weeks
Total Weight Gained/Loss? +13 lbs. Right on target.
Maternity Clothes: Oh, heck yeah... now I can finally get into the sweaters and long sleeved shirts Kendra gave me... it's cold here!
Sleep? For the most part, good! Ever since my chiro appt, I have slept really good... sometimes not even waking to pee!
Best Moment of the Week? When Tommy was finally home and was able to feel her kick for the first time.
Movement- I think we have a boxer
Food Craving- French dip sandwiches (???)
Food aversions- Nope
Morning sickness?- Nope
Gender- Still a girl!
Labor Signs- Nope
Belly Button- Still an innie
What I miss- having a glass of wine with dinner and my pre-pregnancy jeans
What I'm looking forward to- My next Dr's appt which is Monday, Oct. 12!
Weekly Wisdom- Don't overeat... you are so bloated and the pressure on your belly sucks!
Milestones- Getting to 25 weeks with no complications!