It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Glucose Test

I go in for my glucose test in about a half hour... YAY! (rolling my eyes) This is to test for gestational diabetes. I have to drink this fabulous orange sugary drink within 5 min, then go in for a blood test 1 hour after I finish the drink to see how my body handles the sugar. If the numbers come back high, then I might have gestational diabetes, and I have to go in for more testing. If it's in the normal range, then I am good to go!! So we will see what happens!

On other notes, still not done with the nursery... grrrrrrrr. Got all the stripes painted, just need the border to go up. I might have a friend come over and help, as I know Tommy will be SLAMMED busy this week with work. Then I will finally post some pictures! I think it will turn out cute!

OK, gotta go get my drink... I'll update later! Wish me luck!