Well, obviously, I didn't get induced yesterday! Had my NST yesterday, they drew blood, and I turned in my jug-o-pee from my 24 hour urine test, and my numbers came back under 300, so no pre-eclampsia!! Yay!
We are now scheduled to head to Labor & Delivery on Sat. night (the 16th) at 6pm to get checked in, get a room, then they will start me on cervadil (to help ripen the cervix). When I was checked yesterday by my OB, I was still only 50% effaced (same as a week ago) and still not dilated at all!! So, Elizabeth is gonna be difficult and take her time... but hopefully Sunday she will come out!
I'm so ready.... I'm mentally done with work and can't wait until Friday. My last day!!! Plus, I still have some last minute things to get and do to get ready for her, so this extra few days will be nice. Plus I will get another full paycheck this Friday because I stayed all week, so all in all, it's a good thing!
Now hopefully she will not come on her own before Sat. Although, I would be OK with that too. We are waiting until Saturday to go buy the travel system we want (has a car seat, stroller, and carrier all in one) because I have a coupon for 20% off starting on Friday... I know, I'm thrifty!!
Stay tuned...
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