It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year and other news!

Sorry this is a few days late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I can't believe it, it's another year in our lives, and I am totally looking forward to 2010. So many new changes to come! We had an awesome year in 2009, business is good, Tommy and I are great, and we are growing our family by 1, so things are looking up!

Since now I am 37 weeks pregnant, my Dr. wants me to come back 2 times a week for monitoring. We are doing non-stress tests (NST's). They strap 2 belts to my belly, one to listen to the baby's heart, the other to measure any contractions. Then a tape readout of the activity comes out of this machine. It's fascinating to watch! I have to push this button when ever I feel movement too, so it's interesting to see when she moves in relation to her heartbeat. Everyting looked good today on my tape. We have a healthy, active baby!

We have good news and bad news from this morning's appt! Bad news... blood pressure is all over again (148/88 when I got there, later was 138/82), and I'm spilling protein in my urine.... again. So lucky me, get's to do another 24hr. urine test. Ugh. Have to turn in my jug-o-pee tomorrow.

Good news is, we talked about induction! I told her I am done, my back hurts, I can't sleep, I'm sore, etc (trying to use the emotional pull... lol!). She just laughed at me and said, "ya think?!" So we looked at the calendar, and decided on Sunday, Jan. 17th! 13 days! I am soooo ready! Of course, then she checked me, I'm not dilated yet, but my cervix is half way thinned out, so things are starting! She said I might go on my own, but we will see. I go back again on Thursday for another NST.

So I told my boss about this news, so we are going to get things transitioned over this week to my other team members so they know what is going on. Then I just wait... I got all the things I need for my hospital bag over the weekend, so that's good. Still need to clean the house, I got all the Christmas decorations put away yesterday, so the house is back to normal. Got grocery shopping done, laundry, etc. Just in case, ya know! ;)

I'll keep ya posted!


Laura said...

it's pretty exciting to have an actual date in mind, huh? less than 2 weeks!

Meg said...

Yay!! Maybe you'll come early and have her on my birthday! January 14th. ;-)

Either way, I expect a TEXT!!!