Had my first u/s this morning to check my lining and ovaries. Everything looked great! Then ran down the hall to get blood drawn to see what my levels were at for starting out. They didn't tell me what they were, but we are all clear to begin the shots on Monday.
I will be doing 375IU of the Gonal-F Pen daily... good news is this injection goes in my thigh, not in my stomach like I thought! And it's a pretty small needle, so this might be better than the actual needles!
I will do one dose daily, in the evenings, Monday-Thursday next week, and back on Friday morning for an u/s and bloodwork. Then hopefully we will see some eggies in there growing and getting big!
So it's the last weekend of "freedom" with no drugs. We do have a pretty busy weekend planned, we have an event at our credit union Sat. morning for the kids, so we will be taking Elizabeth there. Then Sunday afternoon, we have a birthday party for a friend of our's daughter, who will be turning 1! So it should be good.
Only bad thing is, Elizabeth, Tommy and I all have colds! Ugh.. Tommy took Elizabeth to the Dr. this morning to make sure it wasn't anything more severe, and it wasn't, so that's good. Poor little thing just keeps coughing and her nose keeps running. Hopefully she will be better this weekend.
So I'll keep everyone posted as to what happens this week and how it all goes. Can't believe I may be pregnant in about a month again. Let's hope so, anyways! :)
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