It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

2nd childbirth class

Thursday night, the 12th, we had our 2nd childbirthing class. We got to watch the "stages of labor" video, which was basically following 3 gals and they journey through the 3 main stages of labor. I was soooo hoping they would show the actual birth... I wanted to see the guys in the room squeem! :) They did show it, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Tommy was a trooper and didn't have any smartass comment to make about it! :)

After that, we went to 4 "stations" around the room to practice different laboring positions, using different tools: birthing ball, massage, sitting possitions, and again breathing techniques. It was very interactive and fun, and got to talk with the other couples in the room.

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