It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

H1N1 shot

Well, after much debate, lots of research, lots of tears, and talking to both my high risk OB and my regular OB, Tommy and I decided I better get the shot. I was sooo hesitant to do this, since it's a new vaccine, and there have been no studies on it and how it may affect the baby, but it was determined for me (who has very weak lungs due to childhood asthma) that it would be far more risky to NOT get it, than to get it. The CDC is also recommending pregnant women get it, whom are considered high risk for complications due to a compromised ammune system.

Douglas county health department had their first public clinic today, and so I went... and got the shot. I feel fine and the baby is moving all around, so things are good. There were a lot of other pregnant women there too. It made me feel a bit better!

So here's to health this winter!!

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