It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

30 weeks!

I can't believe it, but I made it to 30 weeks! Yipee!! So far so good, no major complaints. Just have the normal-at-this-time aches and pains in my back and legs, and speaking of legs... my lower legs, ankles and feet are now starting to swell. FUN! I officially have a cankle! :) I try and prop them up at work as much as I can. I also need to go shoe shopping this weekend to see what I can find to wear for winter. Only 9 more weeks to go at the latest.... seems so soon!

How Far Along? 30 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss? +20 lbs.

Maternity Clothes: My pants are starting to get tight.. might have to shop! :)

Sleep? It's getting harder to get comfortable, but when I do sleep, it's good!!

Best Moment of the Week? Sitting in childbirth classes and Tommy reaches over to lay his hand on my belly and just kept it there...

Movement- This girl is trying to kick her way out. Sometimes I see my entire belly move!

Food Craving- Coke (never drank it before!)

Food aversions- Some smells are bothering me.. like taco meat

Morning sickness?- No! Just bad heartburn

Gender- Still a girl!

Labor Signs- Nope

Belly Button- Still an innie, but slowly rounding out

What I miss- being able to put on my socks with ease

What I'm looking forward to- My last shower is tomorrow, Nov. 15th!

Weekly Wisdom- Don't drink too much water before bedtime! I was up 3 times last night! :)

Milestones- My swelling ankles and feet... welcome to the third trimester!


Meg said...

You look gorgeous!!! So happy for you!

kristi morris said...

I WANT TO RUB THAT BELLY!! what a beautiful belly! love you!