It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Well since I've been taking these estrogen pills, I have been nauseaus on and off all day! Ugh! Yesterday was particularly bad, as I have finally got the the highest dose I will be on, and that was rough. I finally called my RE to see if there is anything she could give me or I could take for the nauseausness... she said there have been several people calling complaing of that (so I'm not the only one! :) Since I take 4 pills a day, she suggested taking 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening... and so far today, I'm not doing too bad! Finally, I don't feel like gagging every 5 min!

Oh, and she did mention that if we get pregnant this cycle, I will have to stay on these estrogen pills for several weeks into the pregnancy, so I better get used to it! Oh, GREAT! :)

I go in for my first u/s on Monday morning, so I'll be back to update then!

1 comment:

Meg said...

I'm eagerly awaiting an update from today's ultrasound!!

Good luck!