It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Egg Retrival

Well, egg retrieval was this morning at 7am. Got there, got in a room in the labor and delivery wing, the nurse came in and started an IV, then we waited... for almost an hour! My Dr. got there about 8am, then the anestesiologist came in and talked to me. I walked to the OR with my IV and sexy hairnet, booties, and gown. The last thing I remembered was going into the OR and them strapping down my arms on the table... then it was lights out!

Woke up at 9am in recovery with the nurse by my side... everything was over! All she could tell me at that time was they got 17 eggs! She said the average was 10-13, so I was happy with that. They will call tomorrow to let me know how they are growing.

After about 30 min. in recovery, they wheeled me back down to my room, where Tommy was waiting. I ate some gormet graham crackers and Sprite, and after about an hour, I had to pee. After that, got dressed, and away we went. We got home about 10:30am.

I am still in quite a bit of pain, even after the drugs they gave me, so I am just taking it easy on the couch. Hopefully the cramping will go away later today.

OK, enough for the update, I gotta head back to the couch! :)

1 comment:

Meg said...