Sorry it has taken awhile to get on here to update, but wanted to wait until I get the phone call from the RE...
I went in for my beta this morning.. the nurse asked if I tested at home yet before now, and I told her no (which is the truth!) So she said, for fun, let's do one now! Huh?! So they drew my blood, I went in the bathroom and squeezed out some pee (hadn't drank anything yet this morning), and she put the drops on their pg tests. She left it in the bathroom counter and went and got more progesterone needles for me. I was just sitting there sweating!! She came back with my needles, picked up the test, looked at it, looked at me and said "you're pregnant!"
OMG!!! She showed it to me, it was a pretty dark line! My RE was right there, she grabbed the test and looked at it and told me, "See, I told you we'd get at least one of em to stick!" :) My RE gave me the test and told me to take it and stare at it all day. Which I did all the way home! I didn't want to tell Tommy over the phone, as I know he was going to be home around 9am this morning. So I waited...
Tommy came home about 8:45, and the first thing he asked me was if the RE called yet. I was just laying on the couch, relaxing, and I told him no (which they hadn't!) So I got up, gave him a hug and told him I did want him to look at something upstairs... so he followed me up to our master bathroom and I flipped on the light. On the counter, I had laid the test from the RE office, and the digital I took when I got home (I know, I'm a freak!!) He looked at them kinda funny, looked at me and asked if I was pregnant! I said "Yes, silly, the digital spells it out!" He looks at it again, and then comes over and give me a big hug and kiss. He then picked it up again to look at it. It was so cute! I didn't know if her really knew what he was looking at!
So then I called my parents, as they knew we were testing today. They were so excited, my mom started to cry. She then told me she was so excited she couldn't sit still so she started to jog around her house... LOL! What!?! I text my sister this morning, but haven't heard anything yet, she's at work.
So I got to work about 9:30am, and as I did, my phone rang. It was the nurse from the RE's office to tell me my beta came back at 86! Which is a good positive! Anythying over 5 is positive, so 86 is lookin good! :) I have to go back Sunday morning to the hospital to have more blood drawn to make sure my beta is doubling. Then more than likely they will schedule my first u/s 2 weeks out. Then it will be revealed... how many are in there! :)
So that's the story, thanks for all your texts, phone calls, and emails.... oh, my sister just text me... she said she is literally jumping up and down in the parking lot of her work she is so excited! LOL!
I will keep you posted as to the beta on Sunday. :)
YAY!!! I'm so happy for you!!
I knew it!!! I am SO HAPPY for you! Can't wait to see how many are in there, and watch the progress of the little bean(s)!!
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