It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Friday, May 29, 2009

First Ultrasound!

We have one healthy baby measuring 5w6d and has a heartbeat!!! We are soooo freakin excited! I was ready to throw up getting ready to go this morning, I was so nervous! We got there about 8:50 this morning, signed in, they went and took my blood, then had to wait for an available room... which seemed like HOURS.

3 min. later, we got into a room, I changed, got up on the table, and the nurse came in. She said, "OK, let's see what we have created!" Got the DildoCam all ready, and away we went... as she was probing around, I saw a flash of a black spot... then she went past it. Come to find out she was scanning my entire uterus to see how many sacs were in there. When there was only 1 found, she zoomed in on it and announced we have 1 baby!

She showed us the gestational sac, the yolk sac inside, and the beautiful little bean called a baby... then she zoomed further and said "Look!" She was pointing on the screen to a little flickering spot. The heart! Tommy got up from the chair and got up by the screen and we both squinted at the most beautiful sight we have ever seen...

The nurse then told me to get dressed, handed me it's "first picture", and told me to meet her outside. Tommy took the picture from me and took a picture of it on his cell phone, and texted it to the few close friends and family members that knew we are pregnant. Talk about excited dad! It was cute.

My bloodwork came back awesome too! My progesterone went up from 20 to 23 (great!) and my estrogen was good too (although she didn't give me the details). But my beta.... whoa! Remember, it started at 86, then 2 days later went to 204... well today it's 19,684! I'd say that's pretty good! The average for this day is around 12,000, so I'm very happy about that!

Now it just has to sink in... we are FINALLY pregnant!!


Anonymous said...

I am SO FREAKING excited for you!!!! And I can't believe you got ONE!! Awesome! Congrats girl!

Laura said...

I am SOOOOOO happy for you!!! I had trouble sleeping last night, worrying about your ultrasound! I'm so relieved everything looks great! Hooray!

Meg said...

YAY!!! I'm glad everything is looking perfect! Congrats Heather and Tommy!!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful sight! I'm so glad that everything looks perfect! Congrats!

Carol said...

Congratulations! I was just checking to see how you were doing. I'm so happy for you!