It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Longest week ever...

Man, this week has DRAGGED on.... it's been fairly busy at work, and even at home I'm pretty busy, but still... it's only THURSDAY. Tomorrow is my beta. I am going to try and get there as early as I can so I can get in and out, and that means getting my results sooner. We have been praying and trying to stay positive. I have been crampy on and off, feel like I'm just about ready to start my period, but I know that won't happen because of the progesterone I'm on. My left boob hurts a little, my right not so much. I'm tired, but that's I think due to the fact I can't seem to slow down! Pregnancy symptoms are so similar to PMS symptoms, so I'm trying not to look into it too much! But I still haven't caved and POAS! (pee on a stick).

I will update you all as soon as I hear tomorrow morning. Thank you all for your love and support, either way this works out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so ANXIOUS for you!! I will be checking back all are in my prayers girl!
