It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


OMG, I am soo freakin excited! I got the call erlay this morning they want to do the transfer TODAY!! She said there was 1 that turned to a blastocyst this morning, and 2 otehrs that will veeeeery soon, so she wants to transfer all 3 this morning in about 1 hour! So I raced home, told Tommy, and we are ready to walk out the door! I won't be able to update again for a day or two, as I have to be on bedrest for 48 hours.

But I will update when I can! Wish us luck!! Love you all!


Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! I will be thinking and praying for you all weekend!! So excited for you!

Meg said...

EEK!! Good luck! Can't wait for the next update!!!!!