It's been a tough road, but it's been totally worth it!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


A friend of mine asked me last night if I would meet her out at a restaurant/bar with her to meet a guy she met online.. so I said, sure! I wouldn't want her to go alone anyways, so I was game for a couple hours. When we got there, she ordered a beer, and I almost forgot... I ordered one too! HUH!?!? Then it occured to me, I can't drink! My friend knows I'm pregnant, so she was like, "Uh, you gonna drink that?!" I guess I just have been in "no baby" mode for so many years, that I didn't think about it! DUH! Of course, then I grabbed the waiter again and told him I needed a ROOT beer instead :)

I still feel pretty good, little crampy every now and again, but nothing bad. Sick feeling every now and again, but nothing that doesn't pass quickly. So all is good. Just anxious for the ultrasound... 10 more days! UGH!

1 comment:

Meg said...

That's funny! Forgetfulness will only get worse too. I couldn't remember people's names it was so bad! :)