I've been having some cramping on and off for a couple weeks now, even before I knew I was pregnant. The thing about cramping in early pregnancy – is that you don’t really know for SURE if it’s “good.” Sure, everyone tells you “it’s normal. I had period-like cramps for days/weeks/months. It’s your hormones. It’s your uterus stretching. You’re doing great!” And you want so desperately to believe them … these women that have been there and KNOW.
But unlike morning sickness (which I haven't really had ANY of), which everyone equates with a healthy pregnancy for the most part … cramping is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, if it’s a normal pregnancy symptom and you’ve been trying for SO long to get pregnant (and stay pregnant), hey, bring it on! Great! Pregnancy related symptoms, step right up! Happy to see ya! Sit down and stay a while! :)
But with cramping … which feels EXACTLY like period cramping … there is this nasty little voice that tries to loudly whisper in your ear, “Something is WRONG! That’s why you’re CRAMPING! You are so SCREWED!” It’s hard not to listen.
I have no spotting whatsoever. I have no bleeding. My toilet paper remains as white as the driven snow. And so I offer up a fervent prayer. Please let it stay that way. Please let this be OK. Please let me have this. I don’t want to wish time away … but I wouldn’t mind fast-forwarding just a few weeks. Just to get over this hump. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow morning. I'm nervous, excited, anxious, all rolled up in one. It can’t get here fast enough.
I'm not going to promise everything is fine, but I will tell you this:
I had LOTS of period like cramping with Dominick. Lots. And everything was perfect.
I have had two miscarriages. The second one I didn't have any cramps really. Just bleeding.
The first miscarriage the pain was so intense, I knew it wasn't just period cramping or normal cramping. It was some of the worst pain I've ever been in in my life...and now I've gone through childbirth!
Hang in there. I'm praying for you.
I agree with Meg. I'm still having cramps every now and then with no spotting whatsoever. I think you need to just listen to your body...if they are SEVERE, then call the doctor immediatly. If they are tolerable, period like cramps, then it's probably just a symptom! And that's a good thing!
I have been counting down the minutes to your u/s for you!
I can't wait!
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